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Kids & Youth


christ church kids

Our vision for CC Kids is, “To come alongside parents in providing a supplemental, church-based voice in children’s lives to introduce them to the story of living in God’s Kingdom.”

By the time children graduate from CC Kids, we hope that they walk away knowing 6 foundational truths about God.

  1. God made everything.

  2. God is in charge of everything.

  3. God is good.

  4. Jesus came to save sinners.

  5. God wants to talk with us.

  6. The church is God’s family.


We have a combined Infant and Toddler class for up to 24 months. This class is meant to serve our youngest children through song, play, and prayer.


Our 2-4-Year-Old class is on a 1-year curriculum cycle that emphasizes our foundational truths, utilizes music and movement, and teaches in age-appropriate ways.

Lower Elementary:

Our Lower Elementary Class (K - 3rd Grade) currently meets every third week and begins the service worshipping with their families. From there, they are dismissed to their classroom for an hour consisting of a lesson, catechism, scripture memory, and Bible basics.

For this class, we use Gospel Story for Kids, a three-year curriculum that takes kids on an exciting journey from Genesis to Revelation and shows how the gospel is relevant throughout all of Scripture.

To attend this class, children must register at the CCK welcome desk prior to service. If you are visiting and would like to find out if this class will be meeting during your visit, please contact the Children’s Director at

4th-6th Graders:

Torch, our meeting for 4th-6th graders meets every third Sunday for a time of sermon discussion during the main service.

We are happily persuaded that older elementary aged-children ought to join the rest of the congregation in corporate worship, so they can (among others):

1. Benefit from the wisdom of multiple generations.

2. Observe their parents and/or other godly saints worshipping and sitting under God's Word preached.

3. Begin to develop a taste for expositional preaching, so by the time they are leaving the home and perhaps looking for a church of their own, they will know what to look for.

For more, read John and Noel Piper's excellent article, The Family: Together in God’s Presence

Youth Ministry

While the primary places of discipleship for teens ought to be the home, the corporate gathering of the church, and our GC's, having close friends in the same stage of life is also important for encouragement, growth, and fun.

The first and third Thursday evening of the month, 6-12th Graders meet in a different Christ Church home to fellowship and study the Bible. To receive updates for the next event and location, email to be added to the mailing list.

Baptism and Membership 

Does your child desire to be baptized? We would encourage you toward our position about a mature profession of faith and the appropriate age of a baptism candidate. Please email a pastor if you have further questions.


Additional Recommended Resources:

  • Accompanying Family Devotional - One reason we especially appreciate the Gospel Story curriculum is because it recognizes the primacy of the family in discipleship of children. Each Sunday's lesson is a jumping-off point for five more 5-15 minute family devotionals throughout the remainder of the week. 

  • My First Book of Questions and Answers - This catechism is based on the Westminster Shorter Catechism, and is what we use in our children's assembly. The questions and answers are written in a way that even a 2 or 3-year-old can memorize, but profound enough for even older elementary children.

  • Your Child's Profession of Faith - If a small child tells us he thinks he's saved, do we take his words at face value? How do we test his profession, especially without seeming to doubt the child and discourage him? Many have found this book a most useful guide.